Command line tools


BMI GRPC server runner

usage: run-bmi-server [-h] [--name PACKAGE.MODULE.CLASS] [--port N]
                      [--path DIR] [--language {python}]
                      [--bmi-version {1.0.0,0.2}] [--debug]

Named Arguments

--name, -n Full name of the BMI implementation class. The module should be in your search path and the class should have a constructor with no arguments
--port, -p

Network port for the GRPC server and client. If 0, let the OS choose an available port. If the BMI_PORT environment variable is specified, it will take precedence over this argument

Default: 0

--path, -d Extra path name to append to the server instance process

Possible choices: python

Language in which BMI implementation class is written

Default: “python”


Possible choices: 1.0.0, 0.2

Version of BMI interface implemented by model

Default: “1.0.0”


Run server in debug mode. Logs errors with stacktraces and returns stacktrace in error response

Default: False